Total Immersion

Total Immersion
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42,33 €*

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HC gerader Rücken mit Schutzumschlag
Gary Preisler
773 g
235x157x27 mm
The year is 2030. The newest revolution in technology is what Larry Page, the co-founder of Google, has dubbed "Total Immersion."This VR system instantly anesthetizes users and transports them into artificial worlds where near-reality and fantasy are constructed with perfection. Customers can pay for dinner with Brad Pitt or Marylin Monroe, threesomes with John Lennon and Emma Stone, or a weekend with a long-dead spouse-all constructed in such visceral detail that it's impossible to separate from the truth until the TI system is powered off.Detective Sam Knight, a renowned homicide investigator with a dark past, deeply familiar with the allure?and danger?of the all-too-real fantasies. He is partnered with bright-eyed rookie Tommy Fincher, and together they set out on a case more brutal and bizarre than anything they have ever seen before ? in reality or illusion. As the mystery deepens and victims pile up, the hunt for the killer leads Sam and Tommy through surreal encounters and into the web of a cryptic, brilliant puppet master.Gary Priesler has been the orchestrator of many creative projects, and has turned talent for screenwriting for another avenue. Filled with as much action as the thrillers he has produced, TOTAL IMMERSION is a product of Priesler's expansive experience in the film industry. In his first novel, he is able to capture the heart of a noir film, and express the tragedies of humanity in each of the characters.Step into the next frontier of storytelling with TOTAL IMMERSION, a gripping novel by Gary Priesler that blends the cutting-edge technology of 2030 with the timeless allure of a noir thriller.