Four centuries in the making, a monumental undertaking and a magnificent achievement, the first d...
Perfect for book lovers and foodies alike-a splendid cookbook featuring recipes inspired by class...
For many of us, perfectionism can bring life's most desired rewards. But when the obsessive need ...
Defoe's account of the bubonic plague that swept London in 1665 remains as vivid as it is harrowi...
Robinson Jeffers was one of the most controversial poets of the twentieth century. In this volume...
Their mission: To take out the scuds. Eight went out. Five came back. Their story had been closed...
'Fascinating . . . First Ladies is a wonderfully generous look at the women who, often against th...
Why did the late multimillionaire Noel Hawthorne leave his sisters, April, May, and June, a peach...
From the National Book Award-winning author of Let the Great World Spin, this haunting novel is a...
'The bard of biological weapons captures the drama of the front lines.'-RichardDanzig, former s...
Captain Jay Marsh had never questioned where his ultimate loyalty lay. He had witnessed the blood...
In Freud's dangerous, dazzling Vienna of 1903, an ingenious doctor and an intrepid detective agai...